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5 Ways of Dealing With Cord Blood

5 Ways of Dealing With Cord Blood
Cord blood is nothing but the blood which is found in the umbilical cord just after the birth of the baby. It's been medically proved that this particular blood is a rich source of stem cells, which are also known as "Blood Builder Cells" in the human body. Lately, it has become increasingly clear that the cord , placenta as well as the surrounding tissue of the umbilical cord are an additional source of stem cells. Moreover the process of collection of this particular blood is quick, painless and has no side effects on the mother or the baby.

Cord blood stem cells are also regarded as life line of human body as they have the potential to fight against deadly diseases. It is always wise to preserve this waste blood of the baby which is otherwise thrown away.
There are five simple ways of dealing with it after the birth of the infant. The decision to store the cord blood is a personal one. But you can choose form the following options

1) Discard the blood. This is what we have been doing so far. We throw the cord as well as the blood in it considering it to be a useless waste.

2) Preserve in a Private Bank. Many would be parents get themselves registered at a private cord blood bank so that at the time of delivery , the blood can be collected, stored and processed at a private center for their future use.

3) Donate. Today, cord blood is also donated by parents to the public bank where it is made available for general public. The donated blood is free for the recipient

4) Gift . It is indeed a very good option to gift the precious blood to a needy person. A thing which might not have any value for you can prove to be a life savior for the other person.

5) Medical Research. These days cord blood is also collected for research purposes. It is collected in Laboratories research is conducted to study the ways of improving the stem cells transplant process for future patients. This cord blood is not stored for transplant and the collection process for research is free.

So it's your decision what you would like to do with the life saving cord blood of your baby.

Read more on cord blood [http://www.cordbloodinfo.org]

And cord blood storage [http://www.cordbloodinfo.org/cord-blood-storage.html]

Article Source: http://EzineArticles.com/?expert=Melvin_Ngiam
5 Ways of Dealing With Cord Blood 5 Ways of Dealing With Cord Blood Reviewed by Waloo on 2:01 AM Rating: 5

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