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Umbilical Cord Blood Cells Bank - How To Choose The Right One

Umbilical Cord Blood Cells Bank - How To Choose The Right One
Along with banks that keep your money, there are other banks, which possess a high level of importance for storing umbilical cord blood cells. An umbilical cord blood bank allows parents or legal guardians to store cells extracted from the umbilical cord blood and placenta for use in future for the well-being of the newborn child or its family members. Collection, processing and storage of blood cells found in your child's umbilical cord are managed by highly specialized teams of professionals.

 These cord blood cells are miraculous healing cells and can be stored only once in a lifetime, therefore, careful measures should be taken in order to select a cord blood bank.

What You Need To Know

The cord blood bank is certified to process hematopoietic stem cells collected from umbilical cords. To process these cells, the banks are required to have the infrastructure including laboratory and administrative processes that are inspected, approved and comply with the regulations of AABB.

 The cord blood bank should have its own setup for laboratory and storage facility. Those using a third party's setup do not take responsibility of the critical procedures of umbilical cord blood cell processing. Moreover, you will not know when the contract between your bank and its third party will terminate.

Hence opt for cord blood storage banks that can show proof of successful transplants from the cord blood units they have stored in order to avoid rude shocks. After all, we all rely on those surgeons who have performed 1,500 operations over those who have performed only 50 odd ones. Each sample of umbilical cord blood cells is scrutinized to detect viral and bacterial infections, quantity and workability of stem cells before they are stored for future use.

 Gather facts that ensure that the cord blood bank you have chosen to preserve your child's cord blood, boasts of a well-organized procedure for cord blood collection, processing and preservation.

Ideally, you should choose a cord blood bank in your city itself. The lesser your cord blood unit has to travel before preservation, the better. Always enquire about the transportation procedure before you register yourself. Remember, the usual courier carriers like FedEx and DHL do not guarantee proper temperature control during the transportation. However, do not hesitate in opting for a cord blood bank which has better records and facilities in another city, if transportation is not a problem.

While selecting a blood bank, narrow down your choices to those banks that have a dedicated infrastructure and personnel for umbilical cord blood processing and use 'controlled rate' freezing for safe processing of cells.

An umbilical cord blood bank [http://www.cordblood-banking.org/cordbloodbanking.html] allows parents or legal guardians to store cord blood cells of the newborn’s placenta, for use in future for the well-being of the child or its family members. Given the sensitive nature of the entire cord blood storage process [http://www.cordblood-banking.org/processofcordbloodbanking.html] always exercise care in selecting the cord blood bank. To know more about cord blood banking and cord blood bank costs Cord Blood Banking [http://www.cordblood-banking.org/].
Article Source: http://EzineArticles.com/?expert=Saurabh_K_Jain

Umbilical Cord Blood Cells Bank - How To Choose The Right One Umbilical Cord Blood Cells Bank - How To Choose The Right One Reviewed by Waloo on 1:48 AM Rating: 5

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